Home Entertainment News How Deadpool Transformed Ryan Reynolds Acting Career

How Deadpool Transformed Ryan Reynolds Acting Career

NEW YORK - SEPT 10, 2018: Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds attend the premiere of "A Simple Favor" at the Museum of Modern Art on September 10, 2018, in New York City. - Image (JStone / Shutterstock.com)

Key Takeaways:

• Ryan Reynolds fervently sought the role of “Green Lantern” to boost his career.
• Despite the box office failure of the Green Lantern, Reynolds met his future wife during the process.
• Deadpool, a once shelved project, reignited Reynolds' career and established him as a beloved figure in the superhero genre.

Before Deadpool: The Pursuit of a Superhero Role

Ryan Reynolds diligently worked to carve a niche in long before Deadpool graced the silver screen. Having witnessed the spectacular success of the 2008 Iron Man franchise, Reynolds yearned for a similar role that would elevate his status in the industry. Thus, when an opportunity presented itself to star in Green Lantern, he eagerly latched onto the opportunity.

Reynolds recounted his enthusiasm for the role in an interview with Slash Films in 2010. He elaborated on his initial reluctance to take on the role. However, after seeing designs and concept art for the film, his uncertainty morphed into a compelling desire to contribute to the Green Lantern Universe. Unfortunately, the film didn't yield the anticipated success or recognition.

Deadpool 3
28, 2019: Deadpool cosplayer posing against the background of the urban landscape and sky with clouds. (Editorial credit: Stasia04 / Shutterstock.com)

Green Lantern's Failure: A Silver Lining Amidst Disappointment

Green Lantern is now notorious as a misstep in the superhero genre. The movie's unexpected flop impacted Reynolds significantly, intensifying his quest for a rewarding superhero role. Yet, amidst this failure, the a glimmer of positivity. The Green Lantern set was where Reynolds met his now-wife, Blake Lively, marking the commencement of one of Hollywood's most adored power couples.

Deadpool: The Lifeline of Ryan Reynolds' Career

An unexpected development arose when Reynolds ventured into the role of Deadpool; a character known for a potent blend of edgy humor and dark comedy. Interestingly, the conception of Deadpool dates back to 2004, but its inception had been marred by numerous challenges, inhibiting its progress to the big screen.

Reynolds initially played a brief cameo as Deadpool in Origins: Wolverine in 2009, which received mixed response from the audience. However, a turning point arose in when leaked footage of Reynolds' portrayal of Deadpool triggered a surge of enthusiasm amongst comic book fans. The positive response resurrected the long-delayed project, finally granting Deadpool a standalone .

In an unprecedented twist of fate, the movie that was initially on the verge of a stillbirth ended up being the very role that boosted Reynolds to Hollywood's A-list. Deadpool's success not only solidified Reynolds' status in the industry but also redirected his career trajectory significantly.

The Upcoming Deadpool & Wolverine

Following the grand success of Deadpool, fans are now eagerly anticipating the release of Deadpool & Wolverine. Undoubtedly, the film is Reynolds' moment to bask in the limelight. Deadpool & Wolverine is slated to hit the theatres on 26th and is projected to be one of this year's biggest releases.


With Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds found the superhero success he yearned for, and successfully etched his place in Hollywood. This journey reaffirms that sometimes, what seems like a setback can set the stage for bigger triumphs in the future.



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