Home Entertainment News Phantom Thread’s Vicky Krieps Evaded Daniel Day-Lewis Before Shoot

Phantom Thread’s Vicky Krieps Evaded Daniel Day-Lewis Before Shoot

Jennifer Lawrence
Daniel Day Lewis, Jennifer Lawrence, Anne Hathaway & Christoph Waltz at the 85th Academy Awards at the Dolby Theatre, Los Angeles. February 24, 2013 Los Angeles, CA Picture: Paul Smith

Key Takeaways:

– Vicky Krieps had an initial fear of ' intense method .
– To combat her fear, she avoided Day-Lewis before the shooting of Phantom Thread began.
– Despite her initial terror, Krieps overcome her fear and began interacting with Day-Lewis.
– Phantom Thread is currently available for on .

Meeting intense co-stars can be nerve-wracking, especially if it's in the form of legendary actor Daniel Day-Lewis. This is what Vicky Krieps experienced before the shooting of Paul Thomas Anderson's Phantom Thread.

Vicky Krieps' Fear of Daniel Day-Lewis' Commitment

Daniel Day-Lewis is popular for his extreme dedication to his roles. Many times, the extent of his commitment can be intimidating. Vicky Krieps, relatively unknown back then, wasn't immune from feeling a scared of Day-Lewis' intense aura on set.

To avoid confrontation, the spent an entire day appreciating nature and enjoying drawn-out walks near the sea to avoid making eye contact. It's interesting to note that her unease managed to add an authentic touch to the . One , where Krieps' character stumbles while approaching Day-Lewis, wasn't planned and is a testament to the palpable tension.

Breaking the Ice with Daniel Day-Lewis Off-Set

Krieps eventually overcame her fear and decided to meet Day-Lewis off-camera. This brave move proved successful as Day-Lewis, still in character, welcomed her with enthusiasm. Their first meeting led to more sessions, during which they would stay in character and chat. This unique interaction helped in breaking down the palpable tension and allowed Krieps to match up to Day-Lewis in terms of performance.

This extraordinary experience wasn't easy for Krieps. Meeting an actor of such caliber and intensity could be overwhelming. But she decided to “play the game” to keep up with Day-Lewis's unshakeable commitment.

Her character ‘Alma' undoubtedly grew into one of the most memorable ones in her movie career so far. Despite the intimidating first encounter, she admits that the experience had a positive influence on her acting.

The Great Impact of Daniel Day-Lewis' Commitment On-Set

Day-Lewis' commitment is such that he would stay in character even when the cameras weren't rolling. This might be understandable due to his unflinching loyalty to the craft. Yet, it can sometimes be an intense experience for co-stars and alike. Krieps shared the effects of Day-Lewis's unbreakable aura, which at times could be daunting and intimidating.

However, despite the initial discomfort and fear, Krieps was able to break through this intimidation eventually. What originally began as fear transcended into an enriching acting experience.

Phantom Thread Streaming Availability

For those who want to experience the chemistry between these two actors and relive their performances, Phantom Thread is available on Netflix to stream.

This admirable saga of perseverance and adapting to working with some of the greats in the shows us that fear is only temporary, and stepping out of one's comfort zone can lead to great personal and professional growth. Vicky Krieps is a great example of this, displaying the courage and determination that ultimately contributed to her acclaimed performance in Phantom Thread.



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