Suicide Squad is rated PG-13. Surprised?
When reports surfaced that Jared Leto sent cast members dead pigs, used condoms, and purposefully scared complete strangers, I quickly assumed Suicide Squad was going to push the limits and be rated-R. But, I guess I’m thinking about a completely different kind of movie as the Motion Picture Association of America gave the movie a PG-13 rating for “sequences of violence and action throughout, disturbing behaviour, and suggestive content and language”.
The Will Smith, Margot Robbie and Jared Leto movie is set to hit theaters on August 5th and was praised by director David Ayers. But, this should not be much of a surprise as Ayers promised the movie would be rated PG-13 since production started. “For an R movie, you have to decide to do it right out the gate, and that was never the case here,” Ayers told MTV News last summer.
Some have speculated that after the success of the R-rated Deadpool movie, Warner Bros. executives were going to shake things up and push the limits in the Suicide Squad movie. But, they were wrong.
However, Ayers promised that Suicide Squad has “got edge, and it’s got attitude” and the sequel will more likely be rated-R.
It’s important to point out that superhero movies have traditionally been rated PG-13 in order to attract a larger audience. In fact, no R-rated movie was able to surpass The Matrix Reloaded box office earnings of $250 million until Deadpool, which earned $363 million in the US alone.
Via The Los Angeles Times
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