Star Wars: The Force Awakens is one of the biggest movies in recent history. In fact, this film made aspiring actor John Boyega a household name. You would assume that being in the movie would make everyone love you. But, that was not the case for Mr. Boyega.
He recently appeared on The Graham Norton Show and shared a story about how he was dumped because of his role in Star Wars. Before the movie hit theaters, his friend Orlando Bloom gave him some advice. Bloom told Boyega to try and secure his future soulmate and wife. So that’s what he did. He met a girl he took on several dates and everything was going well. But she had no idea what he was doing for a living.
Then one day, when he and his date were in New York City, she finally asked him what he did for a living. Then, Boyega points to a billboard where he could be seen holding a light saber. After that, their relationship ended.
I guess there is a happy ending to this story because Boyega is now starring in the upcoming Star Wars movie The Last Jedi.
You can check out the video below.
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