Home Entertainment News Casting Call: Josh Duhamel, Aidan Gillen Set To Star in “London Calling”

Casting Call: Josh Duhamel, Aidan Gillen Set To Star in “London Calling”


An Overview

Hollywood is trembling with excitement as Josh Duhamel and Aidan Gillen, two prominent stars, are joining the of the highly anticipated action-comedy flick, “London Calling.” A film that promises laughter-infused thrill, and a splattering of action in the vivid backdrop of one of the world's most beloved cities, London.

The Ascendancy of Josh Duhamel

Josh Duhamel, who rose to fame with the renowned TV hit show, and his portrayal in the riveting Transformer , continues to cement his status as a major Hollywood . His brilliant performance in 's drama, Jupiter's Legacy, further establishes his dominance in the pantheon of Hollywood stars, making the news of his venture in “London Calling” stir excitement among and film enthusiasts alike.

Aidan Gillen's Wide Acclaim

On the other side of the star-studded cast is Aidan Gillen, a versatile actor globally known for his enthralling performance as the Master of Coin, Peter Baelish, in the globally beloved series, Game of Thrones. Gillen, with his widespread acknowledgment and universal appeal, is ready to enthuse fans again, but this time with a splash of humor woven into action in “London Calling.”

“London Calling” Unveiled

“London Calling” can be best depicted as an action-comedy that courses the twists and turns of two favorite Hollywood stars. The film whimsically revolves around two broadsheet journalists. But that's not all. The duo accidentally gets embroiled in the notorious world of crime, only to discover that they've been ensnared in an explosive conspiracy. Will these meddling journalists surmount the odds against them? Audience anticipation is high for this fun-filled roller coaster.

Promising Team Behind the Screen

Bobby Moresco, the Academy Award-winning of Crash, will be navigating this ship of action and comedy, promising a tightly paced and high-octane film bound to have audiences on the edge of their seats. Alongside Moresco, the renowned Ann Marie Allison and Jenna Milly, celebrated for their work in “Golden Arm,” are the masterminds behind the script. With such an impressive lineup behind the scenes, “London Calling” is shaping up to be a, hit.

From Stage to Screen

Josh Duhamel and Aidan Gillen's venture in “London Calling” is shaping to be one of the most anticipated cinematic events of the coming year. Fans are eager to see how these actors will transform their proven stage prowess to the silver screen. As these celebrated stars team up with award-winning director Bobby Moresco under the comedic script of Allison and Jenna Milly, audiences worldwide are waiting with bated breath for more updates and sneak peeks into “London Calling.'

Concluding Notes

In the ever-evolving landscape of Hollywood, “London Calling” is an upcoming gem embracing the classic charm of action-comedy. With popular A-list actors like Josh Duhamel and Aidan Gillen at the helm, audiences can surely expect a delightful blend of adrenaline-charged action sequences, witty dialogues, and loads of laughter. “London Calling” is not just a movie but a -up call for all Hollywood fans to strap in for a ride full of laughter, intensity, and, most importantly, unforgettable performances.

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