A KFC employee was recently suspended after a post on Facebook claimed that she added a little extra seasoning to a recent order.
According to WalesOnline, a message on the Facebook page, “Spotted Cardiff”, an anonymous page for people who “need to get something off their chest,” alleged that a KFC employee in Cardiff, UK added pubic hair to an order in order to get revenge on a group of rude girls.
KFC recently responded to WalesOnline regarding the pubic spice incident:
“We have investigated this incident and although there was an altercation in the drive-thru between the customers and a member of our team, we do not believe the food was contaminated in any way. We have the highest standards of food hygiene and do not tolerate even the suggestion of this kind of behaviour, and therefore the employee was suspended as soon as the matter came to our attention.”
So, remember next time you go to KFC check for the extra spices in your bucket of chicken. It may just have a little extra pubes with a side of gravy.
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