Justin Bieber will be the subject of Comedy Central’s latest roast.
Comedy Central announced Tuesday that the record selling musician will be the subject of Comedy Central’s 2015 roast. Bieber will join Charlie Sheen and James Franco as the latest pop star to get ridiculed on live television. T
“Justin has been asking us for a few years to roast him, and we just kept telling him to go create more source material first. We’re thrilled he listened,” joked Comedy Central’s Kent Alterman.
Via Twitter, Bieber reiterated that sentiment: “[Comedy Central] said only if I provided them w/ more material so for a year now I have worked hard.”
Saturday Night Live recently poked fun at Justin Bieber’s latest Calvin Klein ad and it looks like the Bieber has a sense of humor about it, recently tweeting: “@nbcSNL well played. Lol”
The roast will take place in Los Angeles, but other details, including when the special will be taped and when it will air has not been announced yet.
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