Home Entertainment News Isayama’s Pessimistic Ending for Attack on Titan Continues to Stir Debate

Isayama’s Pessimistic Ending for Attack on Titan Continues to Stir Debate

Hollywood, Los Angeles

Key Takeaways:

– Despite controversies, Attack on Titan holds a robust fanbase.
– The ending of the remains the most controversial aspect.
– Series author, Hajime Isayama, defends the unhappy ending.
– The series aligns more with the harsh realities of our world.

Understanding the Behind Attack on Titan's Ending

Ever renowned as Hajime Isayama's magnum opus, Attack on Titan grapples with controversial themes and undertones. Despite facing a slew of criticism, the anime series continues to captivate a vast fanbase. Long since both its anime and manga versions ended, Attack on Titan's popularity and fandom remain resolute. At the heart of the debates surrounding the series, rests its ending. Arguably the most controversial aspect, the series conclusion continues to evoke polarizing views among .

The Not-So-Rosy World of Attack on Titan

Both Attack on Titan's anime and manga versions draw from a dark, unrelenting worldview. Isayama, true to this theme, opted for a tragic over a happy ending. He acknowledges that the concluding narrative could have taken a cheerful turn but it unrealistic given the grim storyline throughout the series. This perspective landed with mixed feelings among fans, some appreciated the brutal realism, while others wished for some semblance of a happy closure.

Unhappy Ending: An Author's Defense

In an interview with The Times, Isayama offered insight into his decision for the series ending. Amidst various possibilities, he felt that a joyous ending was the most detached from the overall narrative of his . Not everyone gets a fairy-tale ending in , and the Attack on Titan's world certainly does not grant such privileges.

You can't always get a Happy Ending

Isayama's explanation effectively underlines the of Attack on Titan. The series seeks to mirror the harsh reality of human existence and conflict. The protagonist's death at the end reinforces this. According to Isayama, in a world predisposed to selfish tendencies, humans can never truly be free. The unhappy ending, therefore, adds more weight to the philosophical underpinnings of the series.

Attack on Titan Versus Vinland Saga: A Comparative Analysis

Attack on Titan often draws parallels with the anime Vinland Saga. Both series emphasize the cruelty of the world but approach it differently. Vinland Saga explores the prospect of life beyond pain and suffering, a stark contrast to Isayama's Attack on Titan, which dwells on humanity's bitter struggle for survival. In this intended differentiation, Isayama possibly gives his series an advantage over its assumed competition.

What's Next for Anime Fans?

Vinland Saga creator, Makoto Yukimura, hinted that his series might end soon. Fans are already speculating whether it will take a page from Isayama's book and opt for an unhappy ending or provide its characters the resolution they seek. Meanwhile, Attack on Titan's legacy continues to influence the anime world. Both Attack on Titan and Vinland Saga are available for streaming on and .


In a nutshell, the makers of Attack on Titan chose to reflect life's harsh realities rather than cushioning their narrative with fairy-tale endings. Although this approach has sparked controversies, it sets the series apart in a genre that occasionally leans towards cheerful closures. Time will tell whether other anime creators will adopt the same approach. Until then, Attack on Titan's relentless grip on its fanbase bears testament to its success.



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