Home Entertainment News Chris Hemsworth Voices Displeasure on Anti-Marvel Stance by Quinten Tarantino and Martin...

Chris Hemsworth Voices Displeasure on Anti-Marvel Stance by Quinten Tarantino and Martin Scorsese

Chris Hemsworth Thor
Chris Hemsworth at the World premiere of 'Thor: Ragnarok' held at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, USA on October 10, 2017. (Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com)

Key Takeaways:

* Prominent figures in the film like Quentin Tarantino and Scorsese have expressed their anti-Marvel stance in recent years.
* Chris Hemsworth, famed for his role as Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has voiced his displeasure at their comments.
* Hemsworth hinted at not potentially working with either director in light of their views.
* Notwithstanding these comments, Hemsworth still regards Scorsese and Tarantino as heroes of the industry.
* Hemsworth maintains varied interpretive roles of the character Thor in different in the franchise.

A Storm of Contention Stirs in Hollywood as Some Heavyweights Criticize Marvel

Renowned Hollywood directors Quentin Tarantino and Martin Scorsese have long reflected their anti-MCU sentiment. In an unexpected twist, Chris Hemsworth, who has won fame playing Thor in the MCU, recently expressed disappointment in their views. To further this dissatisfaction, Hemsworth has underscored that he may not with the cinematic giants in future projects.

Hemsworth Speaks Out About Stance of Scorsese and Tarantino

In a recent interview with British GQ, Hemsworth didn't hold back his frustration concerning the negative sentiments towards Marvel by Scorsese and Tarantino. The , who is for his role as one of the original six Avengers, Thor, conveyed his disappointment and disbelief. According to Hemsworth, these titans have always been his industry heroes, making their criticism harder to digest.

Hemsworth's Disapproval: More Than Just Disappointment

Chris Hemsworth shared his distaste for the hot-bench critique of work within their industry, especially considering the fragility of the film . Hemsworth, known for his role in Extraction besides Thor, did not explicitly state his views on the ‘Marvel-ization' of movies as pointed out by Tarantino. Irrespektive, he wholeheartedly expressed gratitude for being a part of the MCU and the consequent audiences it roped into theatres.

These iconic directors criticized Marvel's approach to . Tarantino, in 2 Bears 1 Cave podcast, highlighted that franchise characters overshadowed ' performances. He gave examples of Captain America and Thor superseding Chris Evans and Hemsworth, respectively. Scorsese, while speaking to Empire Magazine, compared Marvel movies to theme parks, emphasizing the lack of emotional and psychological exploration of human interactions within the films.

Hemsworth's Diverse Experience with Thor and MCU

Chris Hemsworth's last stint as Thor was in ‘Thor: Love and Thunder', directed by Taika Waititi. Despite receiving criticism for its undisciplined humor and inferior VFX efforts, Hemsworth recounted his varied experience playing the demi-god.

Throughout his career in the MCU, Hemsworth claimed that his interpretation of the Asgardian prince evolved with different directors helming the films and his personal knack to experiment. He acknowledges the contrast in Thor's character across different movies, from Thor 1 and 2 to the Avenger series, including the unique ‘Lebowski Thor'.

Despite the challenges and some low moments, Hemsworth happily confessed his satisfaction about his journey with Thor. This experience helped him to reinvent the character frequently, battling monotony and keeping his performances fresh.

Ahead: The Future of Thor in MCU

With Hemsworth running out of new interpretations for Thor and voicing contentious industry views, speculation is rife about the future of Thor. If there will be a ‘Thor 5' is undecided, but it's clear that the actor might need a break from his decade-long association with the character.

Such discussions and debates strengthen the character and ethos of the film industry. It stimulates conversations not just about conceiving superhero movies but how they impact the larger cinematic universe.

For all fans wishing to reminiscence Hemsworth's journey as Thor, the various Marvel projects including ‘Thor: Love and Thunder', are now streaming on Disney+.



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