Actress Sienna Miller appears to become the latest celebrity to have fallen victim to hackers who have shared her private nude photos online. The images are alleged to be of the 35-year-old British star topless, while reportedly wearing a mask over her face.
According to reports, the photos were released by cyber-hackers who infiltrate cloud storage accounts and social media sites belonging to celebrities.
This is not the first time this has happened. Emma Watson, also reportedly faced leaks of private photos leaking online. Also, The Sun published a report that hackers are targeting stars to gain access to their private photos. One of the stars reportedly targeted by hackers includes Keeping Up with the Kardashians star Kylie Jenner.
This news comes after Reddit bans the center of the celebrity nude scandal message board, The Fappening. “While current US law does not prohibit linking to stolen materials, we deplore the theft of these images and we do not condone their widespread distribution.”
Sienna Miller is most known for her work in Foxcatcher, and working alongside Bradley Cooper in Burnt.