It looks like Mark Zuckerberg has finally responded to Kanye West's request for money.
Unless you are living under a rock, then you would probably know by know that Kanye West might be having some financial problems when it comes to financing his dreams. And everyday has been highlighted by a series of Kanye West Twitter rants.
Yet the most popular Twitter rant by Kanye West was the one where Kanye begs Facebook founder for a billion dollars. Of course, Kanye politely asked Zuckerberg on Twitter, which prompted a series of “you should have asked him on Facebook” jokes. Unfortunately, Kanye's request for more money was left unanswered.
Until now. Software engineer for Segovia Corporation, Steven Grimm, made one of those aforementioned “you should have asked Zuckerberg on Facebook” jokes on Facebook. And apparently, Steven Grimm is friends with Zuckerberg on Facebook, meaning that Zuckerberg saw Grimm's post (which has since been deleted). Lucky for us, the Internet caught a screenshot of Grimm's status update, pointing out that Kanye probably should have asked Zuckerberg on Facebook for a billion dollars.
At least Kanye didn't ask Tom from Myspace.