Amber Heard’s legal team speaks with LAPD about the alleged domestic violence incident.
Only days after Johnny Depp was ordered by a Los Angeles County Superior Court to stay away from his estranged wife, Amber Heard, the actress’ legal team has released a statement about the alleged history of domestic violence.
According to reports, Amber Heard’s attorneys – Samantha F. Spector and Joseph P. Koenig – said in a statement that “As the result of Amber’s decision to decline giving an initial statement to the LAPD, her silence has been used against her by Johnny’s team. Amber did not provide a statement to the LAPD in an attempt to protect her privacy and Johnny’s career.”

The statement continued on by saying, “Johnny’s team has forced Amber to give a statement to the LAPD to set the record straight as to the true facts … Amber can no longer endure the relentless attacks and outright lies launched against her character in the Court of Public Opinion since the tragic events of May 21st.”
Amber Heard’s legal team added that the 911 call more than a week ago was made a by “third-party.”
This whole situation started after Heard asked for a restraining order on Friday, claiming the married couple had a fight the Saturday before and Depp allegedly hit her with a cellphone. She submitted photos, which showed bruises to her face.
Since the allegations were released, Johnny Depp has been traveling with his band and promoting his new movie. His legal team submitted an opposition to Heard’s court filing arguing, “Amber is attempting to secure a premature financial resolution by alleging abuse. Johnny is currently out of the country for work. He is unable to attend the hearing on this matter and has not heard Amber’s specific allegations against him. He nonetheless has every intention of staying away from Amber.”

Amber Heard’s legal team also revealed they initially planned to server Johnny Depp with a legal petition at the premiere of ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’ on May 23rd but, they didn’t want to hurt Johnny Depp and keep the situation out of the media. “Amber is simply a victim of domestic violence, and none of her actions are motivated by money,” the attorneys added.
Follow the story:
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Via ABC News
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