Home Entertainment News How Ben Affleck Learned From His Previous Box Office Flops

How Ben Affleck Learned From His Previous Box Office Flops

Ben Affleck Matt Damon
Ben Affleck and Matt Damon at premiere of PROJECT GREENLIGHT, NY 11/27/2001 (Everett Collection / Shutterstock.com)

Key Takeaways:
– Ben Affleck's solo foray into horror cinema with “Phantoms” was a box office failure, barely earning $10 million.
– Despite its intriguing concept, the received critical backlash and a low score on Rotten Tomatoes.
– Affleck shifted his focus to production with a monster movie called “Feast” post-Phantoms.
– The actor is set to star in a new thriller titled “Animals,” directed by him.

Affleck's Hit and Miss in

Ben Affleck's illustrious Hollywood is marked by both hits and misses, including an unfortunate detour into horror cinema. Known for taking up in various genres, the actor's horror venture with “Phantoms” in 1998 turned out to be a dud despite the film's intriguing concept and Affleck's star .

“Phantoms” – The Underwhelming Horror Venture

“Phantoms,” based on a Dean Koontz book, failed to adapt the book's depth and nuances and subsequently failed to leave an impact. Despite Affleck's significant screen presence, the movie's vague narrative and uninspiring performances led to a less-than-stellar box office earnings of under $10 million, as reported by The Digital Fix. Critics were equally unimpressed, bestowing a mere 25% score on Rotten Tomatoes.

Learning from Past Setbacks

Despite the failure of Phantoms, Affleck showcased resilience by placing himself off-camera for a change. With the 2005 monster movie “Feast,” Affleck dived into production, proving that success in filmmaking is not restricted to being in front of the camera.

Next Step for Affleck: A Netflix Thriller

Despite a checkered past in the horror genre, Affleck is all-set to electrify with a new Netflix thriller, “Animals.” The film, a hushed for now, revolves around the abduction saga of a mayoral candidate's son in . Affleck is not just acting in it; he's donning the director's hat for this project, suggesting a browse through new domains in his career.

Star Power in “Animals”

“Animals” features a high-profile collaboration with Matt Damon, with growing speculations about Jennifer Garner's involvement. The movie is being co-produced by Affleck and Damon, along with Dani Bernfeld, Collin Creighton and Brad Weston, while the script comes from the creative desk of Connor McIntyre and Billy Ray.

The Road Ahead for “Animals”

The shooting for “Animals” is scheduled to commence on February 27, 2024, in Los Angeles, with an aim to conclude by April 5, 2024. While there isn't a confirmed release date yet, given the production timeline, a premiere on Netflix is anticipated sometime in 2025. Fans are eagerly waiting for Affleck's next venture, pointing to potentially exciting times ahead.

In conclusion, Ben Affleck's career, while marked with peaks and valleys, remains a fascinating study of an actor's journey and evolution in Hollywood. His project “Animals” is awaited with bated breath, promising a thrilling experience for Netflix subscribers. Despite the failure of “Phantoms,” Affleck's persistence to explore and experiment is genuinely commendable and augurs well for the Washington D.C. born star.



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