Home Entertainment News Anthony Michael Hall Expresses Openness to Possible ‘Weird Science’ Remake

Anthony Michael Hall Expresses Openness to Possible ‘Weird Science’ Remake

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Key Takeaways:
– Actor Michael Hall would be open to a remake of his classic film ‘Weird Science'.
– While no official plans are in place, Hall believes that such a project could be exciting.
– Hall remarked this while promoting his Netflix movie ‘Trigger Warning' with .
– ‘Weird Science' is a quirky addition to John Hughes's renowned repertoire of comedies.

Are you guys ready for a dose of nostalgia? Anthony Michael Hall, known for his lovable nerdy roles in 80s classics like ‘The Breakfast ' and ‘Sixteen Candles', recently shared his thoughts about a potential ‘Weird Science' remake. As unlikely as it may sound at first, when you stop and consider just how far science and have come since the 80s, the idea doesn't seem so weird after all!

ScreenRant reported that Hall, while promoting his upcoming Netflix movie ‘Trigger Warning' with Jessica Alba, shared his perspective on a possible revival of ‘Weird Science'. Although he quickly clarified that he isn't aware of any official plans for a remake, he also stated he wouldn't be opposed to it.

The Golden Age of Remakes?

To quote Hall, “I mean, I'm certainly too old for me to be in a sequel of it, but I mean I would welcome that. Really, I have to defer to Universal and obviously the John Hughes estate.” He admitted being unsure if such a project is in the works, but added, “it would certainly be nice if they chose to do that.”

Remember ‘Weird Science'? It's a unique gem in the vaunted filmography of John Hughes, known and loved for his teen comedies like ‘Sixteen Candles', ‘The Breakfast Club', and ‘Pretty in Pink'. But ‘Weird Science' was something entirely different. Call it zany, call it outrageous, call it what you may, but it certainly stood out. In the film, Hall and Ilan Mitchell-Smith played two who create their dream woman, portrayed by Kelly LeBrock, using their home computer. A modern-day makeover of this film could really play with today's advanced technologies to make the plot even wilder!

Future Projects To Watch Out For

Meanwhile, you can soon see Hall in ‘Trigger Warning' on Netflix. Here's a little sneak peek into what the movie is about: Jessica Alba stars as Special Forces commando Parker, who is pulled away from active duty overseas when her suddenly passes away. Now owning the family bar, she reconnects with her ex-boyfriend-turned-sheriff Jesse, his fiery brother , and their influential father Senator Swann, played by Anthony Michael Hall. Parker is on a mission to find out what really happened to her father.

So, while a ‘Weird Science' remake may still be in playful speculation, there are definitely other exciting projects involving Hall to watch out for. Whether or not ‘Weird Science' gets a , just discussing the idea sort of throws us back to the 80s, prying open a treasure chest of nostalgia.

It's clear that the combined magic of technology and nostalgia could, in theory, produce a remake of ‘Weird Science' that's even more thrilling than its 80s predecessor. So who's ready for a potential trip down memory lane with a tech twist? We might not know if and when it will happen, but it surely is fun to imagine the possibilities.



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