Home Entertainment News An Update On ‘Uncharted 2’: It’s Still in the Works!

An Update On ‘Uncharted 2’: It’s Still in the Works!

Hollywood, California

Key Takeaways:

exec confirms the production of Uncharted 2
– The will feature Mark Wahlberg's character, Sully, with his infamous mustache
– Fans eagerly anticipate a cargo-load of action, adventure, and mystery.

Here's some exciting news for all you adventurous souls, ‘Uncharted: The Movie' fans, an update on ‘Uncharted 2′ has been announced! For those who have been eagerly waiting for any news regarding the sequel, your patience has paid off. Steven O'Dell, the big gun of distribution at Sony Pictures, recently confirmed that Uncharted 2 is indeed still being created. So, keep the excitement on, 'cause more thrilling adventures are on the way!

The Original Adventure

But before we dive into the sequel, let's throwback for a moment to movie! Remember how it starred that charming Tom Holland, playing a street-smart thief named Nathan Drake? He was pulled into an intense treasure hunt by the seasoned expert, Victor “Sully” Sullivan, brought to life by the talented Mark Wahlberg. The pair embarked on a thrilling, heart-thumping race around the globe as they tried to recover a fortune lost by Ferdinand Magellan half a millennium ago.

A Villain and A Big Surprise

Seems like a regular heist movie, right? But here comes the twist! Antonio Banderas played the role of Moncada, who firmly believed that he and his family were the rightful owners of this lost fortune. Their race against Moncada to decode the clues and solve one the world's oldest mysteries had us all on the edge of our seats!

And remember that tantalizing ending? There was an exciting mention of Nathan's long-lost brother and a spectacular – a $5 billion treasure! What a ride that was!

The Sequel: What's in Store?

Now, take a deep breath, because that was just the beginning. Mark Wahlberg dropped hints last year that a script for ‘Uncharted 2' was already being penned down. And just when we thought things couldn't get more intriguing, Wahlberg also revealed the delightful detail that this time around, his character, Sully, will sport a mustache! Pretty cool, right?

Don't think this mustache addition is just for kicks. It's a real deal for the fans. Sully rocking the mustache in the gaming franchise has become iconic, and fans were definitely missing it in the first movie. Wahlberg agreeing that loved seeing him with the mustache in the final scene teased that if they could make the sequel better than the first movie, he'd be open to reprising the role.

What to Expect

So, what does this mean for ‘Uncharted 2'? Well, we can't say for certain just yet, but we're expecting a roller-coaster ride filled with even more jaw-dropping , edge-of-your-seat action, nail-biting mystery and of course, Sully's mustache. Isn't that exciting?

Stay tuned with us for more updates on ‘Uncharted 2'. While the wait might seem long, remember, good things come to those who wait. And from what we have heard so far, ‘Uncharted 2' is definitely going to be one of those good things worth waiting for!



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