Home Casting Calls “Thriller” Photo Double Casting Call

“Thriller” Photo Double Casting Call

Costume Casting Call
Elegant, charming, shy, playful, flirty, dangerous, mysterious, scary female beauty. Close up portrait of gorgeous happy brunette fairy enchantress, covering her eyes with the cap, hot figure, body - Image

Casting call: “Thriller” TV seeks photo double for crucial role in .

The world of television is buzzing with excitement as the hit TV series “Thriller” production team announces a unique opportunity for young talent. They are currently seeking a photo double for a pivotal character in the series, and this could be a fantastic chance for those who match the specific requirements.

The selected individual will play a crucial role in the production. They will be standing in for specific scenes, closely matching the physical profile of one of the main characters. This role is not just about being a physical match; it involves working closely with the director and crew to ensure scene continuity. The photo double needs to be present and ready on set for the entire schedule, adhering to all established protocols and diligently following directions from the crew.

This casting call is quite specific in terms of requirements. The production is looking for a male aged 8-10, preferably Caucasian, with brown . The candidate must be available on December 1st and 4th, as these are the scheduled shooting dates. The role is to both Union and Non-Union candidates, providing an excellent opportunity for those seeking to gain experience in the industry. One crucial note is that the candidate must be comfortable being on set during scenes involving murder or horror themes, though they will not be directly involved in these scenes.

The show promises competitive rates for the selected photo double, in line with industry standards. Specific details about the compensation will be discussed upon selection, ensuring transparency and fairness in the process.

This casting call presents a unique opportunity for young who fit the criteria. It offers a chance to be a part of a TV series and provides invaluable experience in the world of acting and production. If you or someone you know fits this description and is interested in television and acting, this could be an exciting opportunity to step into the limelight.

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How to apply?

Check out the casting call breakdown below to audition for a role in the casting call.

“Thriller” Photo Double Casting Call

Job Responsibilities:

  • Stand-in for specific scenes, matching the physical profile of a main character
  • Work closely with the director and crew to ensure scene continuity
  • Be present and ready on set for the duration of the shooting schedule
  • Comply with all set protocols and directions from the crew


  • Age: 8-10 years old
  • Gender: Male
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Hair Color: Brown (preferred)
  • Availability: Must be available on both December 1st and 4th
  • Union Status: Open to both Union and Non-Union candidates
  • Other: Must be comfortable being on set of scenes involving murder/horror themes. Note: Talent will not be directly involved in these scenes.


  • Competitive rates as per industry standards. Specific details are to be discussed upon selection.

Interested? Apply Now!

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