Walt Disney Productions is currently accepting crew resumes for the upcoming Disney Feature Film “Million Dollar Arm” in Atlanta, GA.
According to the Collider, Jon Hamm from the hit TV series “Mad Men” will be starring in the Disney Feature Film “Million Dollar Arm”. Hamm plays Bernstein, the agent who went to India and established the reality television show, The Million Dollar Arm and audition 40,000 different people. Ultimately helping, Patel and Singh reach and learn about the American culture, the english language, as well as the rules of baseball.
This is a great opportunity for those interested in breaking into the entertainment industry behind the scenes. Not to mention, the fact this is another project being filmed in the ever growing Atlanta market.
We will keep you updated on all acting, or other entertainment industry opportunities.
(This opportunity is for positions behind the camera.)
Feature film “The Million Dollar Arm” is accepting crew resumes at [email protected]