Casting Calls"Greater" Story of Brandon Burlsworth Casting Call for Principle and Featured Extra...

“Greater” Story of Brandon Burlsworth Casting Call for Principle and Featured Extra Roles


Casting Directors are now casting for the upcoming SAG feature film “Greater” filming in Arkansas.

Morgan Casting describes “Greater” as the unlikely career of Brandon Burlsworth is perhaps the greatest walk-on story in the history of college football. Known for his distinctive thick black glasses and resemblance to the 1990s incarnation of Drew Carey, the small-town Burlsworth had always dreamed of playing for the Arkansas Razorbacks, but was considered too small to play Division I ball. Undeterred, Brandon ended up taking a big risk by walking on to the team in 1994. Written off by fellow teammates and coaches alike, Brandon displayed dogged determination in the face of staggering odds. By 1999, Burlsworth was not only a star player in the toughest conference in college football, but he was also an All-American and taken as an early draft pick in the NFL by the Indianapolis Colts.But as amazing as Brandon’s athletic achievements were, he was more known in the state for his remarkable character. Extremely religious, Brandon never cursed or drank. He was genuinely humble and low-key. He went home to see his single mother every single weekend. He also worked harder than anybody, on and off the field, becoming the first Razorback in history to earn a bachelor’s and master’s degree while playing football. The overly-fat kid who was once considered an embarrassment by teammates and an annoyance by coaches ended up becoming the most respected player in the history of the program, changing the lives of all he touched.

This made what happened next all the more difficult to bear… eleven days after being drafted into the NFL and before he was able to sign the contract that would change the financial status of his struggling family forever, Brandon tragically died in a car accident, stunning the state and crushing all who knew him. How could something like that happen to this guy? Brandon was “too good to be true”. He was known as being the best person anybody could ever meet. He did everything right, and yet here he was, snatched away before he or his family could enjoy the fruits of his efforts. Signs reading, “Lord, help us understand” sprang up all over the state as an age-old question slammed down upon all with terrible force: “Why do bad things happen to good people?”

Brandon’s story is more than mere football. It is the ultimate expression of the question “Why?” Told through the eyes of those who are struggling to deal with the tragedy of Brandon’s passing, Greater will provide hope and inspiration as it strives to wrestle with this challenge and find reason to trust despite it. It is Rudy meets “It’s a Wonderful Life”.

Morgan Casting is teaming up with local casting coordinator Mark Landon Smith and Local Logistics coordinator Kim Pease to hold some amazing days of casting in Arkansas, plus surrounding states!

We need TONS of extras and true Razorback Fans + some great actors and so many locals with one-liners for some fun roles!!! The list below is long, but please do have a read! At the end we have a general call for “what we need.”

We are looking for REAL football players with Real experience to make up our teams for the film!

Thanks so much for your help & please feel free to spread the word and invite family and friends!!

Our schedule:

Casting in Fayetteville, AR – March 15-17
Casting in Central Mississippi – Sat. March 23
Casting in New Orleans, LA – Sun. March 24
Callbacks:        April 6/7 in Fayetteville, AR
Shoot dates: April 29 – June-07 – 2013
Location:        Fayetteville, Arkansas

Note: We are trying to cast as local as we can to Fayetteville, Arkansas.

ALL EXTRAS/ BACKGROUND WILL BE CAST OF COURSE IN ARKANSAS March 15-17!!! Stay tuned for location and times!!!


Based on a true-life story!

“From now on we get to tell people, ‘once upon a time, we actually knew somebody like that.'”– Coach Tommy Tice, speaking about Brandon Burlsworth

The unlikely career of Brandon Burlsworth is perhaps the greatest walk-on story in the history of college football. Known for his distinctive thick black glasses and resemblance to the 1990s incarnation of Drew Carey, the small-town Burlsworth had always dreamed of playing for the Arkansas Razorbacks, but was considered too small to play Division I ball. Undeterred, Brandon ended up taking a big risk by walking on to the team in 1994. Written off by fellow teammates and coaches alike, Brandon displayed dogged determination in the face of staggering odds. By 1999, Burlsworth was not only a star player in the toughest conference in college football, but he was also an All-American and taken as an early draft pick in the NFL by the Indianapolis Colts.

But as amazing as Brandon’s athletic achievements were, he was more known in the state for his remarkable character. Extremely religious, Brandon never cursed or drank. He was genuinely humble and low-key. He went home to see his single mother every single weekend. He also worked harder than anybody, on and off the field, becoming the first Razorback in history to earn a bachelor’s and master’s degree while playing football. The overly-fat kid who was once considered an embarrassment by teammates and an annoyance by coaches ended up becoming the most respected player in the history of the program, changing the lives of all he touched.

This made what happened next all the more difficult to bear… eleven days after being drafted into the NFL and before he was able to sign the contract that would change the financial status of his struggling family forever, Brandon tragically died in a car accident, stunning the state and crushing all who knew him. How could something like that happen to this guy? Brandon was “too good to be true”. He was known as being the best person anybody could ever meet. He did everything right, and yet here he was, snatched away before he or his family could enjoy the fruits of his efforts. Signs reading, “Lord, help us understand” sprang up all over the state as an age-old question slammed down upon all with terrible force: “Why do bad things happen to good people?”

Brandon’s story is more than mere football. It is the ultimate expression of the question “Why?” Told through the eyes of those who are struggling to deal with the tragedy of Brandon’s passing, Greater will provide hope and inspiration as it strives to wrestle with this challenge and find reason to trust despite it. It is Rudy meets “It’s a Wonderful Life”.

Character Breakdowns

1. Brandon Burlsworth: 18 – 22 years– Very large frame, resembles a young Drew Carey) The gentle giant, and the greatest walk-on story in the history of college football. He is devout in his faith, Brandon “walks the walk” in a way that astonishes all who meet him. He is a rock – completely without guile, an unfailing force of simple, humble decency that changes the lives of all he meets. He doesn’t have an “arc” in the traditional sense, rather, he serves as a fulcrum around which every other character arcs in the story. [LEAD]

2. Younger Brandon Burlsworth: Looks to be 12-13 years of age. He enjoys chips and cheesecake, watching TV on the couch and dreams of one day being a Razorback. Looking for a great kid actor. Must be able to convey emotion well.

6. Vicki Burlsworth: Marty’s wife. 30s to 40s. Nice, attractive girl next door. pleasant younger version of Barbara. Caucasian.

Football Players 

9. Grant Garrett: Male, Caucasian, late teens to early twenties. Garrett is a large, goateed SEC offensive lineman, as well as Brandon’s conscripted roommate in the athletic dorm. Witty, intelligent, and interested in improving himself, Garrett initially rides his odd new roommate as much as anybody, but he quickly comes to respect Brandon and defend him in the presence of others, ending up as Brandon’s closest friend on the team. [PRINCIPAL] Please tell us about any real football experience.

10. Nathan Cole: Male, Caucasian, late teens to early twenties. Cole is an intimidating defensive lineman, one of the most talented athletes on the team. He is also an absolute wild man – a whirlwind of energy who has perfectly assimilated late 20th Century African-American urban culture and adopted much of its language and mannerisms. Cole is the most ardent tormentor of Brandon, who is his suite mate, but like the others he is eventually won over and becomes one of Brandon’s good friends. [PRINCIPAL] Please tell us about any real football experience.

11. Anthony Lucas: Male, African-American, late teens to early twenties. Anthony Lucas is one of the greatest wide receivers ever to play in the SEC – a personification of excellence. He is also one of Brandon’s suite mates, and is the kind of guy that can make people smile just by walking into the room. [PRINCIPAL] Please tell us about any real football experience.

12. Clint Stoernor: Male, Caucasian, late teens to early twenties. A year younger than Brandon, Stoerner is Arkansas’ stud quarterback – the best to play at the school in two decades. Initially cocky and arrogant, he learns humility by the end and demonstrates amazing strength of character following one of the most infamous game-losing plays in the history of college football. [PRINCIPAL] Please tell us about any real football experience.

13. Russell Brown: Male, Caucasian, late teens to early twenties. Tough SEC offensive lineman. Buzz cut, receding hairline, cauliflower ear… Garrett is so rough around the edges that it’s hard to tell if he even has edges. [PRINCIPAL]] Please tell us about any real football experience.

Coaches: we look to be in good shape at this time.

Other characters: DayPlayers & Extras: Our ideal would be to get these LOCALLY in Arkansas or those willing to be day players!

21. Driver (of tombstone delivery truck): Younger guy. Fresh Face. Innocent. 20s. [Day Player, 1 line] Open to all ethnic backgrounds.

22. Employee (Forklift operator). Must look under 40 years. 20s to 39 years. Male [Day Player, 2 lines] Open to all ethnic backgrounds

23. Cheerleaders: Harrison High School Cheerleaders – circa 1999. A real squad from the surrounding area would be great. Open to single girls with cheerleading experience to make a squad – Arkansas high schools preferred (for issues of proximity). Open ethnicity.

24. Mare-Alice: 60s. 70s. Sweet Elderly lady. Thinner Type. [Day Player, 1 line] Open to all ethnic backgrounds.

25: High School Football Players: Looking for guys from the Fayetteville area who are real football players to fill many rolls: Will need all types + some Lineman Recruits: High School Football players: Good sized boys to enormous types. Extras. Some definitely Featured extras. Open to all ethnic backgrounds.

26. Cute Girls: 12-13 years of age. Open ethnicity. Mischievous. [Day Player, 1 line]

27. Blonde Kid: 12 years. Caucasian. Athletic. Could be that kid that grows up to be a “jerk.” [Featured extra – no lines]

28. Lanky Man: In his 50s skinny guy. Caucasian. A good ole boy. Congratulates Marty on his “sons’ ” baptism. [Day Player, 1 line]

29. Sixth-grade football teams: Real teams would be great! Two teams needed. Seeking kids in 6th grade who do truly play football! Once again, near Fayetteville or willing to travel. Open ethnicity.

30. Redneck #1: Caucasian. 30s to 50s He’s a very happy-go-lucky and friendly guy vs. Redneck #2: [Day Player, 1 line]

31. Redneck #2: Caucasian. 30s to 50s. The other, who is meaner and just “don’t give a crap.” [Day Player, 1 line]

32. Man (Janitor): 30s – 40s. Taller guy. Could be mistaken for a coach, but is the janitor (has a Razorback hat on) [Day Player, 1 line]. Open ethnicity.

33. Joe Don (6 years old)- He is joyful. Might have to burst out crying. Cute. One of Marty and Vicki’s kids.

34. Harrison High School Principal: [Day Player, 1 line]. 40s – 50s. Comes across as typical principal / teacher type. Open ethnicity.

35. Mike – Looking for a good actor. Decent, sincere Kid. Looks up to Brandon. Current football player at Brandon’s old high school. High School Junior or Senior. He consoles Marty. Open ethnicity.

36. Gabe: High school looking. Football player. A little more awkward than Mike ( Michael and Gabriel) – featured extra – but good acting needed. Open ethnicity.

37. Jan: Girl in dorm. Caucasian. College aged. Kappa. Arkansas Student. Philosophy Major. The Smarter One. [Day Player – 2 lines]

38. Holly: She is at college to get her M.R.S. degree. Cole’s date. Bombshell type. [Day Player – 2 lines]

39. Female Dates 3 & 4 –other college girls – featured extras – giving reactions – they are “uncomfortable.” Open ethnicity.

40. Waitress: College age to early 30s. Harder edged. Attractive. “Townie”. Open ethnicity. [Day Player, 1 line]

41. Pizza Delivery Boy: Could be Pimple Faced. Maybe not. Delivering Pizza as Brandon get’s his call for his Scholarship. He is Awkward. 30 or under; could be teenage even. Looking awkward. Open ethnicity. [Day Player – 1 line].

42: Reporters: Various reporter types. Guys circa 1930’s style reporters. They can be real cynical jerks. Hard nosed types. [Day Players – 1-2 lines]

43. Thin Frat [Day Player – 5 lines] Open ethnicity. 18-24ish. College kid. He is a good actor and appears with a few key one-liners in several scenes. Our two frat guys show how the “student fan base” goes from giving the team grief during the tougher years to being incredibly supportive fans! Any race. Must be likable.

44: Heavy Set Frat [Day Player – 5 lines] 18-24ish. Heavier build. Gives Arkansas players grief then turns into supportive fan. Open ethnicity.

45. Frank Broyles: Athletic director. [Day Player – 1 line] He introduces New head coach Houston Nutt.

46. Happy Fan: Male. Any ethnicity. 50s. Grey hair. Perhaps the “bigger drunk guy who’s a bit overbearing at the game” but open to other types. [Day Player – 1 line]

47 Student #1: [Day Player, 1 line] – college student – male or female.

48. Student #2: [Day Player, 1 line] – college student – male or female.

49. Attractive Female Student: [Day Player, 1 line].

50: TN Announcer #1 & #2: [Day Player – 2-3 lines] – John Madden types; great SEC sports announcers.

51: Old Country Man: Old country man – diner type – he laughs and cackles as the team is doing well! Looking for someone with real character: featured extra.

52: Colts Big Shots: “Guys in Suits”- featured extras – mix of ethnicities.

53. Female Officer: 30s. Has a matter-of-fact deliverty, but kind [Day Player – 2 lines]

In addition to all these roles, we need YOU, real people to be a part of this film to make it believabe and true to the state and community who love and cherish the life of Brandon Burlsworth!

We need: High school football teams, 6th grade football teams, high school cheerleaders (a squad) + college football Coaches, Fans, Refs, Team Staff and opposing football teams and their entourage. We need a church congregation, funeral attendees, police officer, kids and parents out on Halloween, bar and diner-by-the-road partrons, bartenders, servers, TV reporters, real construction workers who can drive and handle the equipment, football players to look like NFL Colts, football players IN GENERAL and did we say true RAZORBACK FANS!! 
Woooooooooo, Pig ! Sooie!

If interested, email a photo (and resume for actors) to

[email protected]

Be sure to title your email with “your name” for GREATER: Cat # ___ . If you want to come by to be an extra in the film, please do not email us – we will see you at the open calls in Fayetteville and take your photos !!!

Thanks so much everyone and what a blessing to be casting on such an incredible film !! We cannot wait to see y’all soon!

Matthew Morgan – Morgan Casting Inc.

Megan Diane
Hi, I'm Megan Browne, the Head of Partnerships at Project Casting - a job board for the entertainment industry. As Head of Partnerships, I help businesses find the best talent for their influencer campaigns, photo shoots, and film productions. Creating these partnerships has enabled me to help businesses scale and reach their true potential. I'm excited to continue driving growth by connecting people with projects they're passionate about.

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