Weeds is a comedy series created by Jenji Kohan and produced by Tilted Productions. The show centers on Nancy Botwin, played by Mary-Louise Parker, a widowed mom of two boys who starts selling marijuana to support her family after her husband dies of a heart attack. Over time, however, her and her family become tangled up in a host of illegal activities.
When the show first premiered on Showtime in August 2005, Weeds earned the channel’s highest ratings. In 2010, TV Guide Network bought the airing rights, providing an edited version of the show to the audiences, free of Showtime’s subscription services. This hot show has won several awards including two Satellite Awards, a Golden Globe Award, Writers Guild of America Award, an Emmy Award, and a Young Artist Award.
Principal Casting Information
Dava Waite Peaslee, 100 Universal City Plaza, Bldg. 5225, 1st Fl., East Wing, Universal City, CA 91608.
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