Hart of Dixie is a comedy-drama TV series that premiered on The CW network in 2011. The series is created by Leila Gerstein. The new doctor Zoe Hart has it all planned, after graduating top of her class from medical school she attempts to follow her father’s steps and become a cardio-thoracic surgeon. But her dreams end up falling apart and she takes a job in a small practice in Bluebell, Alabama. Dr. Hart quickly learns that the South is not as friendly as she thought it would be and quickly has to adjust to the new area she attempts to practice in.
Hart of Dixie features Rachel Bilson, Jaime King, Cress Williams, Wilson Bethel, Tim Matheson, and Scott Porter. Hart of Dixie is produced by Leila Gerstein, Josh Schwartz, Stephanie Savage, Jason Ensler, and Len Goldstein in association with Warner Bros. Television, CBS Television Studios, and Fake Empire Productions.
Hart of Dixie is currently filmed in Wilmington, North Carolina, and the show has recently been renewed for a new season that will begin filming shortly.
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Principal Casting Information
Hart of Dixie (Wilmington, N.C.) Molly Lopata Casting, 13731 Ventura Blvd., Ste. A, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423.