Casting directors are looking for men and women to work on a print modeling job on Thursday, April 20 in Atlanta Georgia. The photo shoot will shoot in Atlanta and producers are looking for models between the ages of 25 to 35 years old. Casting directors are looking for people who might be out at a party. Talents will be compensated $150 cash.
To audition for a role in the upcoming print modeling job check out the casting call breakdown below.
Atlanta Modeling Job
NLC is seeking men and women for a print job on Thursday, April 20. Very age specific pls…25-35 years of age. We are looking for people who might be out in a bar or at a party. Submit your headshot, age, height, weight and contact info to Please put Thursday in the subject line. Rate is $150 cash. Thanks.
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If you are not local and/or do not fit the description, do not apply