“Stranger Things” is set in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana, during the 1980s, where a young boy named Will Byers mysteriously vanishes. As his friends and family search for him, they uncover a series of extraordinary mysteries involving secret government experiments, supernatural forces, and a strange girl named Eleven with telekinetic powers. The show blends elements of horror, science fiction, and nostalgia, drawing inspiration from 1980s pop culture to create a captivating and suspenseful narrative.
For those eager to join the world of “Stranger Things,” Project Casting offers comprehensive casting calls and audition information. Whether you’re an aspiring actor or a seasoned professional, there are opportunities to be part of this critically acclaimed series. The show seeks diverse talent to bring the rich and complex characters of Hawkins to life, from recurring roles to guest appearances and extras.
Being cast in “Stranger Things” means joining a beloved and globally recognized series known for its unique storytelling, compelling characters, and thrilling plot twists. Project Casting ensures you have access to the latest casting news and role details, helping you prepare for auditions and submit your applications on time. Step into the enigmatic world of Hawkins, and take part in a show that has captivated millions of viewers worldwide.