

Open Jobs:

Open Jobs:


Position: Product Manager (Smart Appliance/ Hardware/Network)


Job Overview:


This position will be part of QNAP INC and IEI Technology USA Corporation Group’s new business start-up division (Business Unit). It will have a significant role in analyzing group resources, conducting independent analyses, and maximizing their potential to drive business breakthroughs and make a positive impact in the market through the creation and implementation of new products.


We are seeking a passionate and driven Product Manager to join our new team which will form as a new division for the QNAP/IEI Group. As a Product Manager, you will be making important business decisions and collaborating in a team to create a new product. While relevant experience is a plus, it is not a mandatory requirement.


This position will be focusing on hardware, network appliances, and smart devices. Candidates who exhibit the following qualities and experiences will be a plus:


1.     Proficiency and passion for understanding computer system specifications.

2.     Hands-on experience and fervor for computer systems, embedded systems, network equipment, smart appliances, computer assembly, CPUs, graphics cards, and various computer peripherals.

3.     A penchant for exploration and keen observation of inconveniences and pain points across different domains.

4.     Enthusiasm for exploring innovative technological solutions that enhance convenience and elevate efficiency in daily life.

5.     Enjoyment of shopping, eagerness to experiment with new technology products, and the willingness of hands-on in unboxing, assembling, and setup.

6.     With personal insights into hardware and smart device sales trends within different markets or specific domains. Ability to decipher why a product is popular and the potential challenges behind its success.

7.     Experience or enthusiasm for TCP/IP network architecture and applications, along with an understanding of cloud services.

8.     Passionate about user experiences, particularly in software-hardware integration and the entire process of device setup, installation, and usage.



1. Product Lifecycle Management:

–         Manage the entire product lifecycle from concept to end-of-life.

–         Work independently in the startup phase and collaborate with a virtual team to identify startup ideas and product concepts.

–         Scale the team as the product direction becomes clear, fostering collaborative efforts.


2. Product Specification:

–         Seek breakthroughs through methods like market and competitor analysis.

–         Collaborate with relevant stakeholders to gather market demands and define product specifications.

–         Maintain a deep understanding of industry trends and competitor products.


3. Market Opportunity Analysis:

–         Conduct comprehensive market research to identify trends, opportunities, and potential threats.

–         Analyze market data and customer insights to make data-driven decisions.

–         Identify and quantify market segments and target customers.


4. Return on Investment (ROI) Analysis:

–         Develop financial models to assess the potential ROI of new product initiatives.

–         Monitor product performance metrics and optimize ROI and profitability.

–         Provide strategic recommendations to senior management based on ROI evaluations.


5. Go-to-Market Strategy:

–         Collaborate with sales and marketing teams to develop effective go-to-market strategies.

–         Create and execute product launch plans, ensuring all stakeholders are aligned and prepared.

–         Provide sales support resources and training to facilitate successful product launches.


6. Cost Estimation and Budget Planning:

–         Simulate the Bill of Materials (BOM) cost and forecast monthly profit and loss to gain a comprehensive view of total investment and budget planning.


7. Leveraging Internal Resources:

–         Research and utilize internal company resources, including engineering capabilities, hardware and software design, and existing software assets, to accelerate the execution and success of new startups.

–         Commit 40% of your time and effort to participate in company activities to gain deep and rapid understanding of resources, interact with customers and internal functional teams. These activities may include participating in trade shows, new product launches, promotional videos, tutorials, etc., but the plan will be dynamic and subject to the defined startup topic.


8. Market Expansion and New Product Lines:

–         Actively explore opportunities to expand the total addressable market (TAM) and consider launching associated new product lines to cater to different customer needs.


9. Core Marketing Content Writing:

–         Compose core messaging for future marketing materials, including web page content, flyers, presentation slides, print magazine ads, and social media promotions. Crafting these key messages is essential to attract potential customers, highlight product value and advantages, and enhance brand image.



·       Undergraduate degree in STEM, Business, and/or industrial product design

·       Passion and drive for innovation

·       Relevant work experience

·       Understanding of electronics, design, and/or manufacturing

·       Ability to work with cross-functional teams (engineering, design, operations)

·       Ability to communicate with our overseas divisions in Asia

·       Ability to work in a fast-paced environment

·       Strong communication and collaboration skills

·       Proficiency in Chinese (Mandarin)


More Information:

·       Open to new graduates

·       Open to candidates with OPT or those who need sponsorship

·       Working location: Pomona, CA (office)




這個職位將是QNAP INC and IEI Technology USA Corporation Group新業務初創部門(事業處)的一部分。這個職位將扮演分析集團資源、獨立分析、最大化運用集團資源的關鍵角色,透過創造和實施新產品,推動商業突破,並在市場產生顯著影響。






1. 熟練並熱衷於了解計算機系統規範。


3. 熱愛探索,敏銳觀察不同領域的不便之處和痛點。

4. 熱衷於探索創新技術解決方案,以增強日常生活的便利性和效率。

5. 熱愛購物,渴望嘗試新技術產品,願意親自動手拆箱、組裝和設置。

6. 對不同市場或特定領域的硬件和智能設備銷售趨勢有個人見解。能夠破譯產品為何受歡迎以及其成功背後的潛在挑戰。

7. 對TCP/IP網絡架構和應用有經驗或熱情,並且了解雲服務。

8. 熱衷於用戶體驗,特別是軟硬件集成以及設備設置、安裝和使用的整個過程。



1. 產品生命周期管理:

–         負責從概念到產品生命終結的整個產品生命周期。

–         在初創階段獨自工作,並與虛擬團隊合作,確定初創想法和產品概念。

–         當明確了產品方向後,擴展團隊,協同合作。


2. 產品規格:

–         通過市場和競爭對手分析等方法尋求突破。

–         與相關利益相關者合作,收集市場需求並定義產品規格。

–         維持對行業趨勢和競爭對手產品的深入了解。


3. 市場機會分析:

–         進行全面的市場研究,識別趨勢、機會和潛在威脅。

–         分析市場數據和客戶見解,做出基於數據的決策。

–         確定並量化市場細分和目標客戶。


4. 投資回報率分析:

–         制定財務模型,評估新產品計劃的潛在投資回報率(ROI)。

–         監控產品績效指標,並優化投資回報率和盈利能力。

–         基於回報率評估向高級管理層提供戰略建議。


5. 上市策略:

–         與銷售和市場營銷團隊合作,制定有效的上市策略。

–         創建並執行產品上市計劃,確保所有利益相關者都得到了調整和準備。

–         提供銷售支援資源和培訓,支援成功的產品上市。


6. 費用估算和預算計劃:

–         模擬產品的BOM成本,預測每月的利潤與損益,以獲得總投資金額和預算計劃的全面視野。


7. 利用內部資源:

–         研究並利用公司內部資源,包括工程資源、硬件和軟件設計能力,現有的軟件資產,以加快新初創企業的執行並加速成功。

–         承諾將40%的時間和精力投入到公司活動中,以深入且快速地了解資源,與客戶和內部職能團隊互動。這些活動可能包括參加商務展覽、新軟件或硬件產品的上市、產品的宣傳視頻或教程等,但這不是固定的計劃,而是高度取決於定義的初創主題並且會是動態的。


8. 市場拓展和新產品線:

–         積極探索擴大可服務市場的機會,並考慮推出相關的新產品線,以滿足不同客戶需求。


9. 編寫核心營銷信息:

–         撰寫未來營銷材料的核心信息,包括網頁內容、傳單、演示幻燈片以及印刷雜誌和社交平台的廣告/商業宣傳等。這些核心信息的撰寫至關重要,能夠吸引潛在客戶,突顯產品的價值和優勢,提升品牌形象。




• STEM、商業和/或工業產品設計本科學位

• 創新的熱情和動力

• 相關工作經歷

• 了解電子、設計和/或製造

• 能夠與跨職能團隊(工程、設計、運營)合作

• 能夠與我們在亞洲的海外部門進行溝通

• 能夠在快節奏的環境中工作

• 較強的溝通和協作能力

• 精通中文(普通話)



• 向應屆畢業生開放

• 向擁有 OPT 的求職者或需要贊助的求職者開放

• 工作地點:Pomona, CA(辦公室)


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