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Jason Stanley

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Evolution can be defined as the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form. This is a fitting analogy to describe Jason "Da Public’s Eye" Stanley began his métier in the entertainment industry as an artist, songwriter, and producer, but has since expanded into a serial entrepreneur, motivator, and all-around businessman. His knowledge and abilities have influenced generations of people, from artists to mom-and-pop store owners, and everyday people alike, to not only embrace their gifts, but he has created a space for them to pursue them. A beckon of light that transcends his darkness in order to walk purposefully in life, business, culture, and community, Da Public’s Eye not only sees the way, but he also selflessly helps clear it for those who may travel a similar path. As a native of the small town of Maxton, North Carolina, Da Public’s Eye is no stranger to being seen as the underdog. It can be said that oftentimes people from small towns can be seen as country, slow, or even impoverished to those who don’t reside there. However, "the truth is that a small town can swallow you up faster than the city can," says Da Public’s Eye when asked how they compare. "Small towns can build you or break you, it is your choice." Sometimes, all you have are your thoughts and dreams to encourage you, so your dreams grow bigger, your hustle gets stronger, and your determination becomes unstoppable; for me, growing up in Maxton is the reason I can go anywhere in this world and show up as myself and be good, "continued Da Public’s Eye. The latter is a testament to how he has built opportunities, platforms, and people to create a narrative that surpasses his humble beginnings. Da Public's Eye is no stranger to the world of entrainment, as his musical roots were cultivated by his mother, a former singer; his uncle, a jazz musician (Johnny Organ); and his older brother, a hip-hop rapper (Mic God). Music was embedded in his life and household, but as an artist, Da Public’s Eye always found himself searching for more. He wouldn’t just look at it as a search for himself, but for those he encountered. Whether it was a struggling artist who couldn’t identify his unique sound, staying back with an artist for hours after quitting time to work on their stage presence, or late night and early morning studio sessions listening to the real-life struggles of those who poured it all out into their music, yet he knew there was more they could pull out to catapult their sound truly; he listened until they were ready to release or pushed until it released them. Da Public’s Eye sees those who are often overlooked and enhances those who are seen but aren’t felt. From artist, songwriter, and producer to businessman, Da Public’s Eye has created a pathway for others to thrive through his company, WorkGrindHustle. He collaborates with small businesses, artists, and professionals to spearhead the brand while pushing the culture through more than just words, but through action. In addition, he continuously works to create community and opportunity through his entrepreneurial endeavors with the hopes of sharing the spotlight with others. Although this was not working towards the goal in which he set out to achieve as an artist, it has extended beyond the point of recognition into the realm of humanity. If asked, Da Public’s Eye would often tell you it isn’t about money or fame, it is about how you affect people in their lives that matter. Da Public’s Eye has set a standard of character aiming to amp up those he shares space with to continue to create while holding themselves accountable for the cause and effect they have on the world around us. Whether it be his educational knowledge obtained from Full Sail University in Business and Marketing, the knowledge he gained from Colorado State University, or his street knowledge and hands-on experience that he pulls, it is always from a place of understanding that there are no shortcuts on the journey. It is that mindset and altruistic behavior that makes it crystal clear how Eye sees it.

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