Jason Krause
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Jason Krause is a natural born performer. Starting as ESPN’s youngest commentator, and then playing music at Lollapalooza (3x) and Chicago's incredible Park West, acting leads on stages like the Newhart and Piven-NeXT Theatres, studying (and working) at legendary comedy institution The Second City, acting in Shakespeare plays, assisting productions for brands like Kenmore and Craftsman, and currently inhabiting the mesmerizing weirdness of David Byrne in the cult favorite Talking Heads tribute, BiG SUiT, freshly nominated for Tribute Band of the Year at the Josie Awards, the largest and most respected awards in indie music.
As a writer, Krause won the NCTE Award for Written Superiority, and has written songs with one of Barbra Streisand's songwriters, and one of Ke$ha's producers.
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WhiteBiG SUiT Talking Heads Tribute
MusDir. Steven Kikoen
Frontman / David Byrne
The Enucleator (Short)
Dir. Steven Payne
Markham Weir (Lead)
The Line
Dir. Lisa Fay
Uncle Sam/Writer
Sweating Bullets
Dir. Lisa Fay
Much Ado About Nothing
Dir. Sarah Gabel
Dir. Rachel White-Hunt
Danny Zuko
Little Shop of Horrors
Dir. Haley Roberts
A Very Merry Unauthorized Children's Holiday Scientology Pageant
Dir. Katy Walsh
L. Ron Hubbard
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