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A Different Course for Star Wars: Failings and Bright Spots Under Disney’s Reign

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ToKyo, Japan - Feb 19 2017, Darth Vader from Star wars with Stormtroopers army figures in background (AKKHARAT JARUSILAWONG / Shutterstock.com)

Key Takeaways:

' original grit and heart seem to be lost under Disney's watch, leading to fan discontent.
– In a bid to appeal to everyone, Disney seems to have lost the essence of Wars' narrative.
– Studio execs' focus on popular demands rather than on the actual hasn't worked out well.
– Despite criticisms, Rogue One and Andor stand out as quality Star Wars content under Disney.

The Nostalgia of Star Wars Versus the New Era

Star Wars, a cultural behemoth, weaved a lasting impact with its blend of groundbreaking visuals and heartfelt stories. The prequels, driven by ' passion, also had deeply personal narratives. However, under Disney's watch, have found the franchise lackluster, wishing for the return of the franchise's golden days.

A Flaw in Disney's Star Wars Strategy

In a world where social media dissects every detail, it's an uphill battle to please everyone, especially in a fandom as passionate as Star Wars. An editing error in Return of the Jedi was recently pointed out by a fan on social media. They argued if this movie were released , it would face relentless scrutiny.

Disney's penchant for universally appealing stories seems to come at the cost of meaningful narratives. Unlike Lucas, who freely told stories his way, Disney appears to be treading a path of careful crowd-pleasing. This tendency is further reinforced by statements from Pixar's Pete Docter suggesting that studio executives prioritize stories with universal appeal.

The Risks of Fan-Pleasing

, formerly encouraging fresh ideas, now seems to operate under the thumb of studio executives seeking to appease the entire fandom. This approach prioritizes widespread acceptance over adherence to the Star Wars lore. Unfortunately, this strategy has not proved successful yet.

Shining Examples Amidst Disarray

Despite the criticisms, exceptions like Rogue One offer hope. A departure from the traditional Star Wars narrative, it's celebrated as the best Star Wars film under Disney. Andor, streamed on Disney Plus, also follows suit. As it was rated TV-14, the creators had the creative freedom to tell their passionate story without worrying about universal approval.

Lessons from George Lucas

The divisiveness within Star Wars fandom isn't new and wasn't exclusive to the Disney era. Lucas faced backlash when he released the Star Wars special edition with alterations to the original movies. Fans were irate, accusing Lucas of tarnishing their childhood memories.

However, unlike Disney's propensity to appease, Lucas stood by his decisions. He famously stated, “Fine. But my movie, with my name on it, that says I did it, needs to be the way I want it.” This sentiment underlined Lucas' philosophy towards storytelling.

The Future of Star Wars Under Disney

When it comes to the Star Wars fandom, it's unlikely that any new release will please all. Disney may benefit from allowing filmmakers to craft narratives they're passionate about, inspiring more successes like Rogue One and Andor.

Star Wars still holds a cherished place in many hearts worldwide. While Disney's attempt to please everyone may have faltered, there's still scope to resurrect the franchise's original spirit. The key might lie in passionate storytelling and a for the lore that made Star Wars a phenomenon.

Both Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and Andor can be streamed on Disney Plus now. The Star Wars legacy continues, whether it's on many fans desire or not, is yet to be seen. The hope remains for Disney to truly capture the heart and spirit of Star Wars in future .



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