HomeElaina Kaiser

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As a child, Elaina knew she wanted to go into acting as her eventual career. She began working in her school's theater at eleven years old, being the youngest person on set. In her first ever play, she starred as Young Simba in The Lion King Jr., landing the role she auditioned for. From there, she obtained roles such as the Dormouse in an Alice in Wonderland Murder Mystery, where she played a detective version of the character (and gave her a British accent as well). Apparently she was convincing enough that people asked her if it was her real voice after the show! Since her days of theater, Elaina hasn't had the chances to do much acting, especially since the pandemic caused the drama program at her school to go under and there weren't any local theaters to audition at. However, she still holds onto that dream that she can one day perform in a movie or television show, even if for just a moment.

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